We help build industry leaders and support entrepreneurs with their succession plans
Guarda is an advisory firm founded by passionate entrepreneurs
What we do
We advise leading service companies and develop them with their management to further grow their business.

We develop companies while respecting their heritage. We thrive to reinforce the companies market positions with distinctive buy & build strategies and aim at generating value for all stakeholders. We plan successions with entrepreneurs, we support management teams with our experience and thrive for growth and jobs creation.
Scope of advisory work
We help you realise the hidden value in your company.

We set flexible and customized succession solution that best matches your need and your company's. We value your heritage and so encourage your connecting with the company and participate to its next phase with us. We have actively participated in c. 30 successful successions and so believe to be the best partner for all stakeholders of your company.
We lever your company as a platform with already established internal capabilities that can be further built upon.

We drive the process of sourcing attractive acquisition opportunities in close collaboration with you.

You benefit from our longstanding experience in acquiring, transitioning and integrating businesses.
Our focus
Pan-European with a focus on D | A | CH region
Prospering companies with revenues of EUR 5 - 50m
Succession issues
Asset light service companies, active in the Education sector
Sharing common vision with entrepreneurs
Founding partners
Jonathan Wynne
Jonathan Wynne is passionate about education and has been active in the sector since 2008. During this time, he has been involved across several verticals including Child Care, K12 schools and Higher Education, and across regions, being Switzerland as well as North and South America, Europe, Middle East, South East Asia and China. Jonathan Wynne holds a Master degree in Engineering awarded by the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Nicolas Faivre
Nicolas Faivre is a former Investment Banker from Credit Suisse. He co-founded Helvetica Capital in Zurich, which became a well-established firm in Switzerland, recognized for his strong links to local entrepreneurs. Today, after having left Helvetica Capital, he continues to leverage his solid network with Swiss entrepreneurs across multiple sectors, in both the Swiss French and Swiss German regions. Nicolas Faivre holds a Master degree in Business Administration awarded by HEC Lausanne.
Use case
Vantage Education is a leading higher education provider in Switzerland, focused on young working adults (dual education), with > 10,000 students
It offers mainly Business, Marketing, HR, ICT, Tourismus and Alternative Medicine degrees in levels 5, 6 and 7. Vantage is the only player with a network of 16 locations in 12 cities in Switzerland, "next to home/work" which is critical for its working students
Vantage Education operates under 10 brands: HSO, IST, BVS, NBW, MBSZ, Swiss Marketing Academy, Swiss Prävensana Akademie, Apamed, Bodyfeet and Bio-Medica.
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